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    Paul Rhodes



    Paul is a Professor of Clinical Psychology specialising in research on ecological emotions and post-human research methods. His work explores psychoterratic paradigms of theory and practice in psychology, including community-based open dialogue, arts-based collaborations and youth-led initiatives. He uses place-based methods, such as psychogeography, affect mapping, collective ethnographies and poetry and bricollage. Paul also has a wider set of interests in psychology, including decolonising clinical psychology, co-design of research and curriculum with consumer/ex-patient/survivors of the mental health system, cultural psychology and others. Paul is also an established artist with shows at 4-Equilibrium at Rex-Livingston, Tipping Points at The Braemar Gallery and Fallen Angels at Mothership Studios.

    Academic Profile | Instagram

  • Writing


    Worlding Eco-Psychology

    Tironi, E., Barrett, D., Rayner, D. et al., 'Worlding Eco-psychology: a Collective Bio-ethnography,' Human Arenas (2022). doi-org.ezproxy.library.sydney.edu.au/10.1007/s42087-022-00274-x


    Eco-Psychology: A Critical Paradigm in the Climate Emergency

    Paul Rhodes & James Dunk, Eco-psychology: 'A critical paradigm in the climate emergency,' Australian Psychologist 58, no. 3 (2023): 154–60, doi:10.1080/00050067.2022.2157240