• broken image

    Catherine Falco

    PhD Candidate

    Cath is a psychologist and family therapist located on Bundjalung Nation, Murwillumbah, New South Wales. Her clinical background is in child and adolescent mental health and her desire to work with the whole family system drew her to systemic family therapy. Her appreciation for systems theory and its application in therapy, combined with belonging to a community directly impacted by successive climate change-related disasters, led her to commence a research PhD in climate emotions. Her project is entitled Adapting psychology for ecological emotions through the integration of ecopsychology, systemic thinking and family therapy principles and practice.

    Instagram | Caldera Psychology

  • Writing


    Integrative Practice in Family Therapy

    Falco, C. (2022), Integrative Practice for the Beginning Family Therapist: Bringing it Back to Basics. Aust N Z J Fam Ther, 43: 70-79. https://doi.org/10.1002/anzf.1484